
Customer Stories

The most important part of our business - the customers, what do they say about Romega?


Convinced that Romega is the right product for her

Grete Bakken is 58 years old, and lives in Hareid in Sunnmøre. She is an active lady with many irons in the fire. Everyday life consists of work, family and various leisure activities.

We meet Grete at the newly renovated sea bow of the Bakken family at Hareid. It has taken time to get it in order, but now it can finally be used in its entirety. From the bow you have a panoramic view of the Sunnmør Alps and the Sulafjord. Just off the coast, the herring used in Romega is caught by local fishermen.

Arctic Bioscience is located in the immediate area here on Sunnmøre, and I have been aware that they have been researching and working with the development of marine ingredients for several years. I first learned about Romega 2 years ago, when a friend recommended it to me.

Wanted a supplement for the heart

Grete says that she wanted an omega-3 product that helps preserve normal heart function. She learned that Romega contains the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which contribute to good heart health.*

It is important to me to maintain good health, especially because I am a busy woman. In everyday life, I am physically active, and I keep in shape through walking, hiking and cycling. So I essentially wanted an omega-3 product for my heart health.*

She says that the choice fell on Romega as it differs from many other omega-3 supplements, as Romega contains phospholipids - a special type of fat.

I learned that Romega contains a different type of fat than many other omega-3 supplements; a type of fat that can be mixed with water, which helps the body absorb omega-3 more quickly. I think this is positive.

A product with local affiliation

Grete appreciates that the product is locally developed on Sunnmøre, with a raw material from herring fished along the coast of Norway.

I really like Romega because it is a quality-assured omega-3 product made from roe from the Norwegian spring-spawning herring. I have faith in the competence of the people behind Romega, so I feel confident in the product and the benefits it can give me. I am completely convinced that Romega is the right product for me.

We would like to thank Grete for sharing her story with us, and are happy that Romega is part of her everyday life.

*) A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA.

Grete Bakken

"I really like Romega because it is a quality-assured omega-3 product made from roe from the Norwegian spring-spawning herring"

Sees Romega as an investment in your own health

I prefer Romega because it is sustainable, because the capsules are small and easy to take, and because I see it as an investment in my current and future health.

Martinus (20) grew up in Ulsteinvik in Sunnmøre, but now lives in Trondheim where he has soon completed a bachelor's degree in Food Technology at NTNU. In addition to being a full-time student, he spends a lot of time in nature. He goes to the mountains and cross-country skis, goes slalom, and just as easily goes for a run. He gets his resting pulse from a good book, or cooking in the kitchen.

Prefers Romega as an omega-3 product

Investing in health

As the field of study might suggest, he is above average interested in food and cooking.

A lot of time is spent in the kitchen, and I would dare to say that I have a rather close relationship with food. My father has always been an enthusiastic home cook, and I probably inherited this fascination from him," he says.

Martinus has a varied diet, and is keen to consume certain nutrients during a day.

Nutrition is part of the interest. It is important for me to get my daily requirement of marine omega-3 fatty acids because it helps me maintain normal health. Rich in EPA and DHA, Romega is beneficial for my heart and brain health.* I see using Romega as an investment in my current and future health”.

Preoccupied with sustainability

What began as an interest from the kitchen has now been enriched with knowledge from the school desk. Martinus says that through his studies he has gained an understanding of the importance of sustainable utilization of marine resources.

As a food technology student, it is important to me that Romega is sustainable and future-oriented. There are more than enough examples of fish and fish products that are based on irresponsible exploitation of our marine resources. It is therefore extra exciting to see that a raw material such as herring roe, with such exciting properties, is refined in this way. I feel confident that Romega comes from a responsible and well-regulated fishery.

Read about why Romega is one of Norway's most sustainable sources of omega-3.

Take Romega with milk
Romega is part of Martinus' regular morning routine, and he is clear about how he likes to do it.

I take the capsules every morning with a glass of milk before breakfast. Milk goes well with the vanilla flavor in Romega, and can be recommended to anyone who has not tried it.

We would like to thank Martinus for sharing his Romega story with us, and are happy that Romega is a fixture in everyday life.

*) A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA for heart health, and 250 mg DHA for the brain.

Martinus Ulsteinvik

"Rich in EPA and DHA, Romega is beneficial for my heart and brain health."

Therese started running as an adult

Therese is from Hareid in Møre og Romsdal, but lives in Kampen in Oslo. She is one of the country's very best female ultra runners, where she has participated in international championships six times, and is Norwegian champion four times.

I am 44 years old, live in Oslo, and work daily as a secondary school teacher. In addition, I am an ultra runner, have participated in international championships six times and am Norwegian champion four times. The most important thing for me is to function well in everyday life, and I am quite active there. There is a lot of movement during the working day, in addition to the fact that there is often a run as well. Having a surplus in everyday life is a quality of life I value very highly, and which I get - thanks to healthy products and proper nutrition.

A product with good Omega-3 fatty acids

I heard about Romega through some acquaintances in the running community. I was told that the product has good omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for, among other things, the heart.* These were also the main reasons why I started with Romega. I want a healthy body that can run for a long time, says Therese.

In any case, the fact is that Therese holds the Norwegian record for 24-hour running on a treadmill, when in 2018 she ran an incredible 217 kilometers in one day!

*) A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA.

Using Romega as part of a healthy diet

It's not like I've noticed a "miraculous" change since I started taking Romega, but I have a healthy body that can handle being active for long periods of time. I am of the opinion that the product contributes as part of a healthy and nutritious diet, says Therese.

As an ultra runner, I put a lot of strain on my body. When I train or run long runs, I break down my body. It is therefore extra important that I get good and correct food, so that the body rebuilds itself. I recover quickly, and proper nutrition is absolutely central to that process. I have no doubt that good omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for a healthy body. When I eat little fish, it is all the more important with a supplement like Romega, she concludes.

We thank Therese for sharing her story with us, and are happy that Romega is a fixture in everyday life.

Therese Falk

"I am of the opinion that the product contributes as part of a healthy and nutritious diet."

Adrienne chooses short-distance omega-3

Adrienne Eikrem is an active and adventurous lady from Ørsta in Sunnmøre. She is practically next door to our laboratory in Hovdebygda, and we are proud to have a local ambassador on the team. Now you will find out a little about why Adrienne prefers Romega as her omega-3 food supplement. 

Want to be active all your lifeDespite a busy everyday life,
Adrienne manages to juggle her study life with a daily life that involves a lot of outdoor activity. If you don't find her with her randonee skis on her way up a mountainside, you'll probably see her on her way to another activity that involves fresh air, excitement and an increased heart rate.

I love working out in nature. I am young now, but I want to take care of my health throughout my life. That's why I'm glad I discovered Romega.

Want more omega-3 in everyday life
Adrienne has a healthy and varied diet every day, but is honest that she does not eat fish as often as she would like.

Of all dietary supplements, omega-3 is probably one of the most important for me.

As a student, it is good to know that Romega contributes to normal brain function, and as active as I am in everyday life, it is good to know that it also contributes to normal heart function.*

Sustainable and short-distance raw material
Romega has been researched and developed in Ørsta. The herring used to make Romega comes from the Norwegian spring-spawning herring that has been fished sustainably along the Møre coast, just outside Ørsta municipality. The herring thrives here, in the cold and fresh sea on Møre.

Here we are briefly talking about omega-3. And I know that the raw material is natural and pure, and I find that extra reassuring.

I see Romega as an investment in health. That's why I take Romega every single day, and I will continue to do so.

*) A daily intake of 250 mg DHA contributes to normal vision and normal brain function. A daily intake of 250 mg of DHA and EPA contributes to normal heart function. You get that from two Romega capsules.

Adrienne Eikrem

"I see Romega as an investment in health. That's why I take Romega every single day, and I will continue to do so."